Believe It Or Not—July 31, 2014: Another meager day of holidays
but you are probably on vacation anyway and do not need the time off. Hope you
enjoy what is posted, along with the factoids and quote from Ronald Reagan with
a smile on your face and a slice of raspberry cake on a plate.
1. Mutt’s
Day—a great way to obtain a dog without paying for a pedigreed canine.
2. Ka
Hae Hawaii Day—celebrating the adoption of Hawaii’s state and civil flag
on this day in 1990; it is the only state flag with a Union Jack displayed.
3. National Chili Dog Day—celebrating a messy but
tasty treat.
4. National Raspberry Cake
Day—another great desert treat especially with ice cream.
On this day
a. 1790 the first U.S. patent was
issued to Samuel Hopkins for a potash process.
b. 1970 known as Black Tot Day,
the Royal Navy issued its last daily rum ration to its sailors.
c. 1991 the U.S. and the Soviet Union took more steps to make the world a
safer place by executing the START I to reduce their stockpile of nuclear
Reagan was no trigger happy cowboy: “The main threat to peace posed by nuclear
weapons today is the growing instability of the nuclear balance. This is due to
the increasingly destructive potential of the massive Soviet buildup in its
ballistic missile force. Therefore, our goal is to enhance deterrence and
achieve stability through significant reductions in the most destabilizing
nuclear systems, ballistic missiles, and especially the giant intercontinental
ballistic missiles, while maintaining a nuclear capability sufficient to deter
conflict, to underwrite our national security, and to meet our commitment to
allies and friends." Ronald Reagan May 9, 1982 commencement address at
Eureka College.
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© July 31,
2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet