Friday, July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018 Ridley's Believe It Or Not National Korean War Veterans Armistice

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For July 27, 2018 Very troubling news of a spike in death threats to members of Congress and their families along with a spike in death threats to heads of federal agencies (although the majority of death threats are directed toward Reds, it is time to tone down the rhetoric and the dog whistles of violence on both sides before real people serving their country start getting killed or maimed); North Korea has returned remains of servicemen killed in the Korean War as promised in the Singapore Summit; on the reptilian braind front, the president of CBS, Lee Moonves, has been accused of sexual misconduct; on the Fox News Front, news out of the Huff Post that Kimberley Guilfoyle’s departure from Fox was not voluntary but the result of misconduct (wish her well at the pro Trump PAC she is going to and she will be missed on The Five); the United Nations which is becoming an anti-U.S. and anti-Israel debating society supposedly is running out of cash and appealing to member nations to come to the rescue (hopefully the U.S. will have a deaf ear); the U.S. economy in the second quarter surged at a 4.1% growth rate (talk about crumbs Pelosi); the Carr wildfire burning north of Sacramento has jumped the Sacramento River and burning 33,000 acres with a 3 % containment is racing toward the city of Redding; although Putin will not be coming to the U.S. before the elections, Trump has indicated a willingness to visit Moscow (given the hysteria from the left on the Helsinki Summit may not be a good idea); through July 26, 2018, 1649 people mostly of color have been shot by mostly people of color, of whom 266 have died (when will Chicago get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color?).
        As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, a music link to the Kay Kyser and His Orchestra,  factoids of interest for this day in history, the fact that you are not being exposed to any mizzle; a relevant quote from Peggy Fleming on role of parents in her career as a skater, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day—celebrating the cessation of hostilities in the Korean War on this day in 1953.
2.  Bagpipe Appreciation Day—commemorating that unique musical instrument that has been around since Mesopotamian times and today is a mainstay at funerals and St. Patrick Day Parades.
3. 1948 Number One Song— the number one song in 1948 on a run of 6 weeks in that position was “Woody Woodpecker” by Kay Kyser and His Orchestra. Here is a recording of the song:  
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “mizzle” which means to rain in small drops which given the fires in California would be welcome as a first step.
5. Lonely At The Top—celebrating the birth on this day in 1948 of Peggy Fleming, noted figure skater, who won the only Gold Medal won by the U.S. in the 1968 Winter Olympics and who successfully battled breast cancer.
    On this day in: 
a. 1929 the Geneva Convention regulating the treatment of prisoners of war was signed by 53 nations. 
b. 1974 the House Judiciary Committee voted 27-11 in favor of impeachment based on obstruction of justice of Richard Nixon.
c. 1987 RMS Titanic, Inc. began the expedited salvage of the RMS Titanic.
d. 1995 the Korean War Veterans Memorial was dedicated.
e. 1996  Eric Rudolph detonated a pipe bomb at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia during the Summer Olympics, killing one person and injuring over a 1009; Rudolph after fleeing and living as a fugitive for 5 years was caught and pled guilty to the Atlanta bombing and several other bombings and is now serving life without possibility of parole.
    Reflections on skating by one very famous American skater: “I wouldn't have started skating if it weren't for my Dad, but I became a skater because of my mom. It is not stretching the point to say, 'We became a skater,' two people, one pair of skates. We each had a job to do to make me a champion skater, and I certainly didn't do it on my own.” Peggy Fleming
    Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© July 27, 2018 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

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