Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ridley's Believe It Or Not-This Day In History-April 17, 2014 National Poetry Month

Ridley's Believe It Or Not--April 17, 2014:  As we approach Easter, hope the eggs are in the fridge all ready to be dyed and then hidden and that the Easter Bunny with his Easter Basket will be welcome in a house filled with Easter Lilies (assuming you have no cats).. As always, after some searching, I found these holidays, some unknown but worthy of mention or celebrating in a culinary fashion, to go with the factoids and quote to enjoy.
              1. World Hemophilia Day—observed to create awareness of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, 75 % of the sufferers of which are not aware of their illnesses.
              2. National Poetry Month—this is an observance given the power of poetry to move, inspire, encourage, emote, etc. that should be celebrated daily; apologies for not picking this holiday up to post on April 1 
              3. National Haiku Poetry Day—honoring a unique form of Japanese poetry: “Desert sands gleam white/ waves touch the white sands/ pathfinders for El Nino rains?”
              4. Ford Mustang Day—commemorating this day in 1964 when the Ford Mustang was released to the public—great car in a great era.
              5. National Cheeseball Day—finally broke the string of ham holidays with a food always welcome at a party, especially with  some great crackers.
 On this day in:
                a. 1937 that lovable and insane duck, Daffy Duck, made his first appearance in Porky’s Duck Hunt.
                b. 1949 26 counties in Ireland at midnight leave the British Commonwealth heralding the creation of the Republic of Ireland—Erin go Bragh!
                c. 1997 at the spry age of 115 John E. Bell had his pacemaker that was installed at the even spryer age of 104 replaced as he had outlived the battery; unfortunately could not find even with many Google attempts when the battery ended up outliving him.
A question to ponder on National Poetry Month--how is it a blind man reciting around a campfire can see the Gods in action and the souls, minds  and hearts of men piercing their armor and shields and those visions last as long as humans inhabit the Earth? “ No non-poetic account of reality can be complete.” John Myhill, noted writer and author on the subject of language.
  Please enjoy the 140 character poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and join almost 140 growing followers and please follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs--click on links below. for poems on the Mustangs going to the Dance with a losing record; to honor Cindy Abbott, a half blind 54 year old mother suffering from a rare disease who competed in last year's Iditarod until forced out with a broken pelvis after 600 miles; on Bode Miller and the human spirit; for Cupid on Valentine's Day; to honor Cory Remsburg to join a great collection of my poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy. Go to Rhymes On The Newsworthy Times for poems on the stupidity of Caprock Academy trying to ban a nine year old for shaving her head to provide support for her 11 year old friend undergoing chemo; Putin pulling the Moscow broadcast plug on Voice of America; Congressman McAllister on camera kissing passionately his female staffer; the death of Pastor Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church; Obama's "sanctions" compared to Rolling Thunder 49 years ago; the banning the wearing of the American flag on Cinco de Mayo to join numerous other comments on news events always in rhyme of course.
©April 17, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet


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