Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25 History

Ridley's Believe It Or Not—June 25, 2014:  It is not anywhere near the dog days of August but the holidays are rarer than a four leaf clover in a field of grazing goats. Hope you are in full summer enjoyment mode and enjoy these questionable holidays, factoids, and a quote from the pre Snowden defectors from the NSA to the Soviet Union with a smile on your face and a grilled catfish on your plate.
            1. National Catfish Day—celebrating the value of farm raised catfish pursuant to an order signed by President Ronald Reagan on this day in 1987.     
            2. We May Go Back To The Moon But Never The Moonwalk Day—commemorating  the death of one of the true icons of music Michael Jackson on this day in 2009.
           3. We Always Need An Angel Day—mourning the death on this day in 2009 of one of the original Charlie’s Angels Farah Fawcett taken too soon at the age of 62.
           4. National Strawberry Parfait Day—celebrating a great desert that no one in their right mind could turn down.
On this day in:
            a. 1876 George Armstrong Custer led his 7th Cavalry into complete destruction at the Battle of Little Big Horn; only a horse named Comanche survived.
            b. 1960 in a pre Snowden moment two NSA cryptographers Martin and Mitchell while on a vacation in Mexico defected to the Soviet Union taking their NSA secrets with them.
            c. 1998 in a moment where a pen really is needed, the United States Supreme Court in Clinton v. The City of New York ruled that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional.  
Another reason to support equality of American women: “Talents of women are encouraged and utilized to a much greater extent in the Soviet Union than in the United States,” We feel that this enriches Soviet society and makes Soviet women more desirable as mates.”  Statement from Mitchell and Martin explaining their defection.
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© June 25, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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