Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 10, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not World Suicide Prevention Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 10, 2019 Antonio Brown just signed by the Patriots has been sued by a former trainer for rape and sexual assault before playing a down (he has denied the charges but this law suit puts the NFL and Patriots in a sticky situation); John Bolton, a major hawk as Trump’s National Security Adviser, was requested by Trump to resign and he did so this morning (brace yourself for an onslaught MSM News blasting Trump for the musical chairs atmosphere in the White House after months of slamming Bolton for his hawkish views); Flynn’s lawyers are charging the DOJ with egregious conduct and withholding exculpatory information that had it been provided as required, Flynn would never have pled guilty (the politicized DOJ sadly has little if any credibility left given the antics of Comey and his band of anti-Trumpers and hopefully Trump will do the right thing and pardon him if the case is not dismissed); Monday Night Football was back with a double header and the network scrambling to fix confusing graphics that erroneously indicated a penalty on every play; on the ISIS extermination front, U.S. led coalition forces dropped 80,000 pounds of bombs on the ISIS infested island Quanus near Mosul; a couple wanting a wedding in a pristine rural setting were photo-bombed by a deer who ate the bride’s bouquet:  

 in what should be cases of many trying to distance themselves from Epstein’s behavior, Leslie Wexler, CEO of L Brands which owns Victoria Secrets came out to express his disgust over Epstein’s behavior and of course his lack of knowledge of it; mixing a bad craving fo a cigarette and too much alcohol resulted in Ellen McMillion being arrested at Florida’s Disney World for intoxication and assault and a lifetime ban from Disney’s attractions; on the vaping front, 6 people have died from vaping and the CCD is scrambling to find out why people vaping are coming down with severe respiratory distress problems while JUEL continues to claim vaping is safe as the number of vaping hospitalizations continue to grow; while the Board of Supervisors for San Francisco should be focusing on its homeless problems, feces and used syringes instead of naming the NRA as a terrorist organization, the NRA is rightfully suing these leftist idiots for that designation; new poll out shows Americans favor Red Flags, background checks, gun licenses and more spending on mental health; on the poverty front, poverty levels have decreased but 1 in 8 Americans are still living below the poverty line; in Chicago through September 9, 2019, 1954 have been shot of whom 331 have died and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 241 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, a music link to Chainsmokers feat. Halsey, factoids of interest for this day in history, the fact that you are a polymath, and a relevant quote from Ernest Hemingway on suicide, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. World Suicide Prevention Day—created in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in collaborations with the World Health Organization and the World Federation for Mental Health to promote awareness of the need to promote awareness of the need to reach out to those considering suicides as a means to counter their problems and to develop programs to deter suicide.
2. Ants On A Log Day—celebrating since 2014 the art of putting peanut butter on stalk of celery then coating it with ants and then eating it as a nutricious snack.         
3. 2016 Number One Song— the number one song in 2016 on a run of 12 weeks (not continuous) in that position was “Closer” by the Chainsmokers feat. Halsey.  Here is a recording of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT2_F-1esPk
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “polymath” which means a person possessing knowledge on a wide range of subjects which rarely describes a politician or bureaucrat these days.
5. Reptilian Brains And Careers Not A Great Mix—celebrating the birth on this day in 1949 of noted journalist, TV and radio host and author, Bill O’Reilly whose TV show popularity could not save him from the 6 sexual harassment's brought by female co-workers and the millions paid out in settlements which resulted in his being fired by Fox and divorced by his wife.
On this day in: 
     a. 1937 during the Spanish Civil War when Italy was engaged in submarine warfare against the Spanish Loyalists, 9 nations met in Nylon, Switzerland to discuss combating piracy in the Mediterranean which did not exist only Italian submarine activities which did.
     b. 1967 the residents of Gibraltar voted to remain part of England as opposed to Spain.
c. 1977 Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of a 1974 kidnapping,  murder and torture of his girlfriend in January of 1977, had the dubious distinction of being the last person in France of being executed by the guillotine.
d. 2002 Switzerland, after many years as a neutral country, became a full fledged member of the United Nations.
e. 2017 after devastating the Caribbean, Hurricane Irma made landfall in Cudjoe Key, Florida as a CAT 4 Hurricane to damage Florida with damages and deaths in both the U.S. and the Caribbean adding up to $64 billion and 134 fatalities.
Reflections on traffic safety: “The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again when the hell is over” Ernest Hemingway So sad that he did not listen to his own advice and passed that failure on to his granddaughter Margaux who committed suicide by a drug overdose.
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 10, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare

The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

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