Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not Orange Shirt Day (Canada)?

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 30, 2019 In a let’s hope God is on his side as millennial gospel singer and worship leader Sean Feucht is running for Congress against John Garamandi in California on the slogan “morals are low and taxes are high; “60 Minutes” of CBS infamous for its biased and edited interviews was slammed by the legal team representing the unknown whistleblower for claiming the whistleblower’s legal team had claimed the whistleblower had feared for his or her life and was under federal protection which he or she is not (once again like so many times, caught in the MSM bias cookie jar); Botox Nancy has her cat-o-nine tails out flogging the dwindling band of independent Blues now down to 10 who do not support and impeachment inquiry and are rightfully fearful of losing their seat in districts Trump carried in 2016; Gavin Newsome who leans so left he is almost a socialist has signed legislation allowing college athletes to capitalize on their name, image and likeness effective 2023 which would be a potential existential threat to the NCAA and the amateur status of “student athletes” (tough question as sports for colleges is a business and a huge fund raising tool but colleges are supposed to be a place where students learn, albeit not much today in this politically correct pervasive environment); in a say it isn’t so Joe moment, Red Chris Collins a thorn in the side of the House Blues will plead guilty to 5 counts of insider trading as will his son and his son’s future son-in-law after selling securities of a biomedical company whose tests on treating multiple sclerosis had failed before that news was released thereby avoiding almost a $1,000,000 in losses (like the reptilian brain that crosses party lines so does greed and lack of ethics and respect for the law); on the housing bubble market front, due to low interest rates in Europe 9 cities led by Munich have been classified as overvalued in Europe with San Francisco, feces and needles notwithstanding, came in at 10 on the overvalued list; on the immigration front, Chicago which is a gunshot murder zone has evidently instructed its police not to cooperate with ICE in immigration busts (what ever happened to protect and serve residents of this country from criminal elements including illegal alien criminals and any hopes that Rahm’s replacement would be an improvement in terms of increasing safety have been discarded out the window into the trash?); in a blow to high tax higher spending states like New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey and California, a federal judge has thrown out a legal challenge to the SALT limitations which should increase the exodus of high taxed individuals to tax friendlier states like Arizona, Texas, Florida and Nevada; Di Caprio the leader of the environmental do as I say not as I do movement slammed people who do not believe in climate change as living in an alternate reality as he jets around in private jets; in Chicago through September 20, 2019, 2121 have been shot of whom 363 have died, but surprise, surprise no deaths on the 29th ; in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 255 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Pee Wee Hunt and His Orchestra,  the fact that your postjacent is not expanding,  and a relevant quote treating lobbyists and politics by Jesse Unruh, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. Orange Shirt Day (Canada)celebrated in Canada since 2013 not to honor residents of Northern Ireland but rather to create awareness of home schooling in indigenous native communities.         
2. International Translation Day—commemorating the founding of the International Federation of Translators formed on this day in 1953 which is the feast day St. Jerome, considered the patron saint of translators, to create awareness of the contributions of translators to the interchange of ideas and commerce between nations with different languages.
3. 1948  Number One Song— the number one song in 1948 on this day on a run of 8 weeks (not continuous) in the position was “12th Street Rag” by Pee Wee Hunt and His Orchestra. Here is a recording of the song: The rag was pulled on this musician on June 12, 1976 at the age of 72 after a long illness. 
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “postjacent” which means posterior which as we old has a tendency to enlarge without attention to exercise.
5. Political Milkman—celebrating or bemoaning depending on your political affiliation, the birth on this day in 1922 of Jesse Unruh, long term Blue California State Treasurer best known for his quote, “Money is the milk of politics.” His milk ran dry on August 4, 1987 at the age of 64 of prostate cancer.
On this day in: 
      a. 1947 the World Series was the first to be televised, have an African-American player, have a pinch hit home run, collect receipts in excess of $2 million, and have six umpires on the field.
      b. 1962 Cesar Chavez, a Mexican American, founded the National Farm Workers Association.
      c. 1968 to the joy of future passengers especially those in Business or First Class, the Boeing 747 was rolled out and seen by the public for the first time.
 d. 1980 specifications for the Ethernet were published by Xerox in conjunction with Intel and Digital Equipment Corporation.
 e. 2005 the Danish newspaper Jylands Posten published unflattering cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad sparking outrage and boycotts of Danish goods in the Muslim world further enhancing the image of Islam as an intolerant religion.
 Reflections on politics and lobbyists from the master fund raiser from them: “If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them, you have no business being up here." Jesse Unruh
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 30 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 29, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not VFW Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 29, 2019 After roundly castigated for his Godfather parody, Schiff is trying to recover from his leap over the cliff by announcing the whistleblower will testify (will be nice to what Blue operatives crafted his letter and who the unnamed sources are for his observations and the extent of his Blue candidates support); at the Mostly Slanted “News” Biased Cack network like a Morton salt commercial when Trump appears bias from commentators like Nicole Wallace pours as she spoke over the President Trump’s words while speaking and called him a liar (pathetic but to be expected from a network that dispenses false news to disguise opinion); Pelosi is trying to do the Texas Two Step on a tightrope call for an impeachment inquiry and hold hearings going during election  to keep issue distracting from  failures of the Blues but not file Articles of Impeachment that would devastate her House majority, end her Speakership and give Trump 4 more years (consistent with her calling for impeachment before even reading the transcript of the Trump phone call); the Thin Blue Line got thinner in the Bronx as another police officer was shot and killed trying to a arrest a suspect who was also killed by the officer’s fellow officers during the struggle; the Friendly Skies were the Terrifying Skies on a United Airline flight in which the port outboard engine started to shake violently; on the terrorist front, Javier Garcia was charged with domestic terrorism for driving his SUV into a Chicago mall, Robert Hester, arrested in 2017 of plotting to give support to ISIS for attacks in the U.S. has pled guilty and is expected to rot for at least 15 years in a federal prison, and Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, an American Airlines mechanic who delayed a flight by sabotage claiming it was due to a labor dispute, is facing accusations that he is also an ISIS supporter with anti-nonMuslim sentiments; De Niro the virulent profane anti-Trump zero was on CNN Skelter’s program Sunday to plug the movie Joker in which he has a minor role but switched to dropping f* bombs against Trump and anyone who supports him and claiming he is crazy (look in the mirror De Niro and clean up your pathetic act); the Big Apple under Di Blasio deserves the moniker of the Big Insanity as its Human Rights Commission has passed rules indicating that the use of “illegal alien” or threatening to call ICE can subject a person up to $250,000 (what is this world coming too when a person coming here illegally is statutorily defined as an “illegal alien”); in Chicago through September 28, 2019, 2119 have been shot of whom 363 have died, but to no surprise the day of no deaths on the 27th has ended ; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 255 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, musical links to Craig Francis and His Orchestra and Jerry Lee Lewis,  the fact that you can enjoy a postcenal moment,  and a relevant quote on veterans and the VFW by Gerald Sandler, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. World Heart Daycelebrated on the 29th of September and created by the World Heart Foundation to promote a heart healthy life style and create awareness of what a person needs to do to avoid cardiovascular disease.         
2. VFW Day—commemorating the founding of the VFW on this day in 1899 by 13 veterans of the Spanish American War to fight for the benefits and services deserved by veterans, a struggle the organization has fought for 120 years for the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have fought outside our shores in wars to protect the American life.
3. 1947  Number One Song— the number one song in 1947 on this day on a run of 12 weeks in the position was “Near You” by Francis Craig and His Orchestra. Here is a recording of the song: This honky tonk piano was near and dear to his fans’ hearts until he died at 66 on November 19, 1966. 
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “postcenal” which means after dinner which could welcome a good TV show, book or any activity with a family member or loved one.
5. First Wild Man of Rock and Roll—celebrating the birth on this day in 1935 of piano player singer Jerry Lee Lewis best known for his hit “Great Balls of Fire” who has been finally slowed down by a stroke that has ended his touring career but he is anxiously awaiting a medical clearance to resume.
On this day in: 
     a. 1940 in New South Wales, Australia two Avro-Anson trainers collided together mid air and remained on top of each other with the upper plane’s engines stopped but the lower plane’s engines still working which caused the two crewmembers of the lower plane to bail out and the pilot of the upper plane to control the two with his flaps and ailerons to land the planes.
     b. 1957 the Kysthm nuclear disaster occurred at a plutonium producing nuclear weapons plant in the Soviet Union and was the third worst nuclear disaster the world has seen.
     c. 1975 WGPR in Detroit, Michigan became the first black owned and operated TV station in the U.S.
d. 1990 construction on the Washington National Cathedral which was started in 1907 with the laying of the cornerstone   was finally completed.
e. 2007 in the United Kingdom, Calder Hall, the world’s first nuclear power plant, was destroyed by a controlled explosion.
Reflections on the VFW: “These guys who return home don't join the VFW. It's not like World War II - these guys become isolated. We need to provide an environment for them and let them know they're OK.” Gerald Sadler
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 29 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not Freedom From Hunger Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 28, 2019 O’Rourke, the man who wants to confiscate your semi-automatic rifles made the idiotic plea for Trump to resign over his Ukraine remarks that would bring the nation together (the only thing that will bring country together is the application of an effective anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome for the left; reports are coming in that the House plans to put impeachment on a fast track which still means the 2020 election will be clouded by the specter of impeachment proceedings during most of the campaign and the impact on the Blues if impeachment fails in the House (which is possible) or fails in the Senate (which you can take to the bank) and Congress gets nothing done to address our pressing issues (will be interesting to watch the blame game that will ensue); Governor Cuomo, hardly a Trump fan has slammed Pelosi for caving into the left and blasted impeachment as “nonproductive (just a few days earlier he was supporting an impeachment inquiry); on the climate change front while the East Coast is basking in the low 80’s, Montana is bracing for a “life threatening storm of 15 to 30 inches of snow; not sure if Weight Watchers or Nutri-Systems should be quaking in their boots over potential lost customers but Mike “The Situation” Sorrento, a star of the “Jersey Shore” TV serial was released from federal prison for tax evasion after serving 8 months but a svelte 35 pounds lighter due to the prison regimen; Sarah Jeong, a writer at the New York Times has written in support of the general public’s right to boycott the paper as such boycotts might lead to the fostering of dissenting views within the paper (it is next to impossible to find a column in the NYT that is not extremely anti-Trump); consistent with China’s goals of more domination, it is making inroads in pushing its agenda of diminishing U.S. influence around the world while increasing its leadership role in the United Nations (full court press by the Chinese to have the world gloss over its abysmal record of human rights); after having had his writs slapped and fined $20 million by the SEC, Elon Musk must be wondering if he can accelerate the missions to Mars as a California administrative judge found the company in violation of labor laws trying to illegally obstruct efforts of employees to unionize; while the Reds have just raked in $15 million of donations spurred by the impeachment threat, President Trump did not mince words attacking AOC+3, Nadler and Schiff calling them savages (watch the rhetoric ramp up way too quickly as the impeachment follies suck up all the oxygen in the room and progress on problem and issue solving come to a screeching halt; Princeton grad Thomas Gilbert, Jr. 36 years old and unable to hold down a decent job was sentenced Friday to 30 years to life for killing his father for his reducing his $1,000 a week allowance (talk about overindulgent parents); in Chicago through September 27, 2019, 2109 have been shot of whom 362 have died, but surprise, surprise no one of the 27th ; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 254 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Frank Sinatra,  the fact that you can enjoy a posset if under the weather, and a relevant quote on hunger by Dolly Parton, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. Freedom From Hunger Daycelebrated first in 2006 to promote awareness of the extent of hunger in the developing world and sadly right here under our noses in affluent places like Orange County, California.         
2. Access to Information Day—created by UNESCO in 2015 and celebrated on this day to promote transparency in the operation by government of its business and to tear down the walls of bureaucracy that prevent citizens from discovering what their governments are doing.
3. 1946  Number One Song— the number one song in 1946 on this day on a run of 1 week in the position was “5 Minutes More” by Frank Sinatra. Here is a recording of the song: Fortunately for his fans “Old Blue Eyes” sang and acted for a lot longer than 5 minutes more, dying on May 14, 1998 from natural causes at the age of 82.  
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “posset” which means a warm milk drink curdled with beer, wine, or spirits used to treat a cold under the guise of fulfilling one’s calcium requirements.
5. La Dolce Vita and Pancreas At Odds—celebrating the birth on this day in 1924 of noted Italian born actor Marcello Mastrianni whose La Dolce Vita career ended at 72 due to pancreatic cancer.
 On this day in: 
     a. 1971 the U.K. Parliament passed the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971 which also banned  the medicinal use of marijuana.
     b. 1973 the ITT Office Building in NYC was bombed by what was believed to be the Weather Underground to protest ITT’s alleged involvement in the coup attempt against Chile’s President Salvador Allende.
     c. 1991 the Strategic Air Command stood down its ICBMs scheduled for deactivation under START ! along with its strategic bombers.
d. 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO President Yasser Arafat signed the Interim Agreement relating to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
e. 2008 Falcon 1 built by SpaceX became the first privately fund liquid fueled rocket to put a payload into orbit.
Reflections on hunger: ” I went to bed hungry many nights as a child. It was a Dream that dressed me up when I was ragged, and it was a Dream that filled me up when I was hungry. Now it’s my Dream to see that no child in this world ever goes hungry, certainly not here in America, the most bountiful country in the world. We can do better…we must!” Dolly Parton Great dream that when people volunteer time and money to food banks and support job retraining and developing work skills can become a reality.
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 26, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

Kamala Harris Flash Impeachment Not Productive

On 9/27/19 Kamala Harris sent out email touting her busy but productive week
Busy yes on issues most of us could care less 0 productivity on solutions to issues we seek

Productive my ass; impeachment is a total waste of time that could be better spent
Not on your pathetic campaign praying to the White House you will be sent
No issues like China, economy, infrastructure, tax cut and the area where you are totally MIA
Border security where you only concern is the welfare and care and feeding of illegals on display
Each citizen killed or maimed or raped because of sanctuary cities detainers ignoring
More blood on your hands and abdication of law and order we need restoring
Take you word demand and from your vocabulary completely excise
No more demands but honest attempts to find middle ground and compromise
Impeachment is without basis but in our dealings with our foes
Will weaken our hand because our adversaries won’t come to table because of fools like you they think he will go
Sadly your quest for higher office has made you blind
Drop out to show you have a sound mind
Show the Chinese you are capable of with trump compromise
End your inane attempts to with over the top rhetoric demonize.

Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not World Tourism Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 27, 2019 The rhetoric in the Swamp has gone totally over the top with Botox Nancy slamming Bill Barr for being a rogue AG and MSM pundits already convicting Trump of impeachment and demanding Barr recluse himself (saner heads among the Blues have totally disappeared and disgruntled idiots like Flake claiming that 37 Red Senators want to vote in favor of impeachment); no one among the Blues falsely condemning Trump for breach of our national security over Ukraine are considering the effect impeachment will have on China, North Korea, Iran and Russia whose readings of the tea leaves must be Trump will soon be gone and we need not come to the table on issues between us and the United States and kiss any trade deal with China goodbye); now sure if Tulsi Gabbard was taken to woodshed by Botox Nancy but she has shifted her view of impeachment; the whistleblower who may have surpassed Strzock and Paige in their efforts to derail Trump’s presidency has not been identified nor his or her sources but the NYT has reported that the whistleblower works for the CIA, the stomping grounds of rabid Trump hater John Brennan (odds that Brennan is licking his chops with fist in air yelling “Gotcha”); as much as sane people would like to get rid of Nadler they are now faced with  a Hobson choice is a district that is probably Blue-safe—support his primary challenger who is AOC on steroids in terms of her leftist policies and keep the devil they know (if only there was a Red candidate that might have a chance to help end this nonsense); once again an unelected federal judge nominated by President Obama has thorn a serious monkey wrench in enforcement of our immigration law by granting an injunction forbidding Trump form licensing private facilities as detention centers to hold illegal children for more than 20 days; the CDC in a study of the spike in respiratory related hospitalizations has warned that the problem may be related to vaping products with THC; Botox Pelosi was momentarily sidetracked from her impeachment vendetta against Trump to rail against the Red state legislatures for imposing restrictions on abortion claiming Republicans are against basic morality; on the religious front chalk a victory up for Christians who received an injunction in their favor banning the State of Michigan’s refusal to permit faith based adoption agencies to ban adoption by same sex couples; Hong Kong is bracing for a weekend of massive protests over China’s increasingly oppressive rule; in Chicago through September 25, 2019, 2102 have been shot of whom 361 have died; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 254 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Perry Come and Russ Case and His Orchestra,  the fact that you are not posh, and a relevant quote on the use of pesticide on our genetic heritage by Rachedl Carson, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. World Tourism Daycelebrated by the United Nations World Tourism Organization to promote tourism as a means of economic growth and increased understanding among the peoples of the world.         
2. National BRAVE Day—created by SweetLife in 2017 and celebrated on the 4th Friday in September to encourage women to give a helping hand and provide emotional support to other women who are suffering tragedies to be BRAVE to get through the tragedy.
3. 1945  Number One Song— the number one song in 1945 on this day on a run of 10 weeks in the position was “Til The End Of Time” by Perry Como and Russ Case and His Orchestra. Here is a recording of the song: Time ended for Perry on May 12, 2001 in his sleed at the age of 89.
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “posh” which means in this case not rich and luxurious but nonsense which may describe  those who spend too much on luxurious, expensive goods.
5. Full Range Guy—celebrating the birth on this day of noted singer Marvin Aday, better know to his fans as Meatloaf, a nickname coined by his high school football coach for his weight whose full range of notes blew a recording fuse which resulted in a record contract; during his career he has sold over 50 million records.
 On this day in: 
     a. 1908 the production of what would become millions of Model T cars commenced at the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit.
     b. 1956 Colonel Apt became the first person to break Mach 3 speed in a Bell X-2 plane but the thrill was short-lived as the plane quickly went out of control and crashed, killing him.
     c. 1962 Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was published which proved to be great for Pelicans being devastated by the use of DDT in agriculture but a disaster for fighting malaria due to outcry over the use of DDT.
d. 1999 the final game of the Detroit Tigers was played at Tiger Stadium in Detroit where the Detroit Tigers beat the Kansas City Royals 8-2.
e. 2001 in Zug, Switzerland, Freidrich Leibbach entered a Parliament building, killing 14 people and wounding 18 others before killing himself because  his twisted mind thought he was being persecuted.
Reflections on the effect of pesticides and our genes: ”For mankind as a whole, a possession infinitely more valuable than individual life is our genetic heritage. . . Yet genetic deterioration through man-made agents is the menace of our time . . .” Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Chpt. 13, p. 186)
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 26, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

September 27, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not World Tourism Dayeive

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 27, 2019 The rhetoric in the Swamp has gone totally over the top with Botox Nancy slamming Bill Barr for being a rogue AG and MSM pundits already convicting Trump of impeachment and demanding Barr recluse himself (saner heads among the Blues have totally disappeared and disgruntled idiots like Flake claiming that 37 Red Senators want to vote in favor of impeachment); no one among the Blues falsely condemning Trump for breach of our national security over Ukraine are considering the effect impeachment will have on China, North Korea, Iran and Russia whose readings of the tea leaves must be Trump will soon be gone and we need not come to the table on issues between us and the United States and kiss any trade deal with China goodbye); now sure if Tulsi Gabbard was taken to woodshed by Botox Nancy but she has shifted her view of impeachment; the whistleblower who may have surpassed Strzock and Paige in their efforts to derail Trump’s presidency has not been identified nor his or her sources but the NYT has reported that the whistleblower works for the CIA, the stomping grounds of rabid Trump hater John Brennan (odds that Brennan is licking his chops with fist in air yelling “Gotcha”); as much as sane people would like to get rid of Nadler they are now faced with  a Hobson choice is a district that is probably Blue-safe—support his primary challenger who is AOC on steroids in terms of her leftist policies and keep the devil they know (if only there was a Red candidate that might have a chance to help end this nonsense); once again an unelected federal judge nominated by President Obama has thorn a serious monkey wrench in enforcement of our immigration law by granting an injunction forbidding Trump form licensing private facilities as detention centers to hold illegal children for more than 20 days; the CDC in a study of the spike in respiratory related hospitalizations has warned that the problem may be related to vaping products with THC; Botox Pelosi was momentarily sidetracked from her impeachment vendetta against Trump to rail against the Red state legislatures for imposing restrictions on abortion claiming Republicans are against basic morality; on the religious front chalk a victory up for Christians who received an injunction in their favor banning the State of Michigan’s refusal to permit faith based adoption agencies to ban adoption by same sex couples; Hong Kong is bracing for a weekend of massive protests over China’s increasingly oppressive rule; in Chicago through September 25, 2019, 2102 have been shot of whom 361 have died; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 254 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Perry Come and Russ Case and His Orchestra,  the fact that you are not posh, and a relevant quote on the use of pesticide on our genetic heritage by Rachedl Carson, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. World Tourism Daycelebrated by the United Nations World Tourism Organization to promote tourism as a means of economic growth and increased understanding among the peoples of the world.         
2. National BRAVE Day—created by SweetLife in 2017 and celebrated on the 4th Friday in September to encourage women to give a helping hand and provide emotional support to other women who are suffering tragedies to be BRAVE to get through the tragedy.
3. 1945  Number One Song— the number one song in 1945 on this day on a run of 10 weeks in the position was “Til The End Of Time” by Perry Como and Russ Case and His Orchestra. Here is a recording of the song: Time ended for Perry on May 12, 2001 in his sleed at the age of 89.
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “posh” which means in this case not rich and luxurious but nonsense which may describe  those who spend too much on luxurious, expensive goods.
5. Full Range Guy—celebrating the birth on this day of noted singer Marvin Aday, better know to his fans as Meatloaf, a nickname coined by his high school football coach for his weight whose full range of notes blew a recording fuse which resulted in a record contract; during his career he has sold over 50 million records.
 On this day in: 
     a. 1908 the production of what would become millions of Model T cars commenced at the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit.
     b. 1956 Colonel Apt became the first person to break Mach 3 speed in a Bell X-2 plane but the thrill was short-lived as the plane quickly went out of control and crashed, killing him.
     c. 1962 Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was published which proved to be great for Pelicans being devastated by the use of DDT in agriculture but a disaster for fighting malaria due to outcry over the use of DDT.
d. 1999 the final game of the Detroit Tigers was played at Tiger Stadium in Detroit where the Detroit Tigers beat the Kansas City Royals 8-2.
e. 2001 in Zug, Switzerland, Freidrich Leibbach entered a Parliament building, killing 14 people and wounding 18 others before killing himself because  his twisted mind thought he was being persecuted.
Reflections on the effect of pesticides and our genes: ”For mankind as a whole, a possession infinitely more valuable than individual life is our genetic heritage. . . Yet genetic deterioration through man-made agents is the menace of our time . . .” Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Chpt. 13, p. 186)
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 26, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

September 26, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not Mesothelioma Awareness Day21

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 26, 2019 Schiff who has long since thrown all pretenses of credibility over the cliff was at it today, badgering his committee’s star witness Maguire, trying to find criminal intent by President Trump where none exists while in an anticipation frenzy over having the biased whistleblower testify on his second hand knowledge of Trump’s alleged actions with respect to Biden and the Ukraine (of all the people to lead the impeachment charge, the Blues have blundered big time with their choice of Adam Schiff whose lying during the Mueller witch-hunt was off the charts; the whistleblower, who is reported to be a Blue presidential candidate supporter, has no direct knowledge of any of the actions he reported on in his letter to Congress, only hearsay which means the extent to which he is another Strzock and what his sources have to say will make for interesting political theater (Trump is a smart man and it begs the question of his intelligence that he would use a transcribed phone call with multiple persons on line to like the “mob boss” lying Adam Schiff portrays him to be to convey a squeeze on the new president of Ukraine); Schiff really out did himself in his pathetic biased parody of Trump’s phone call the Ukraine’s President once again forfeiting any credibility as to objectivity and pursuing and telling the truth (listen to it yourselves); in war it is said that the first casualty is truth but in the 2020 political war against Trump is Joe Biden whose years of service as a loyal Blue will be sacrificed on the altar of getting Trump; Pelosi taking a page out of the Nixon Impeachment Playbook is claiming that the Trump Administration is guilty of a cover up because the electronic transcription was placed on a secure server (sure sounds like a stretch but to be expected from the partisan Blues who detest Trump with a passion that defies comprehension); on the drinking and not driving front, the CEO of Blue Shield of North Carolina has resigned after being arrest for a DUI with his minor children in the car and refusing to take a breathalyzer test; on the hurricane front, the U.S. received good news that Tropical Storm Karen is weakening but Hurricane Lorenzo far out in the Atlantic has become a monster CAT 4 storm while in the era of climate change a massive blizzard has hit the Rockies and Montana; on the flying can be miserable front, Japan Airlines will now be showing passengers seeking to select seats, which seats have been taken by those 2 years old or younger; the college admissions cheating scandal that has rocked this nation has sentenced its third perpetrator, Los Angeles-based executive Stephen Semprevivo, 53, who was ordered on Thursday morning to serve four months behind bars, pay a $100,000 fine and serve 500 hours of community service and be subject to two years of supervised probation; MSNBC biased “journalist” Chris Matthews could hardly hold his glee claiming that the Blues “have got him” and need no more hearings to impeach Trump; in Chicago through September 25, 2019, 2099 have been shot of whom 361 have died; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 252 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Bing Crosby and John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra and the Williams Brothers Quartet,  the fact that you are not a portreeve in today’s environment, and a relevant quote on the first Nixon Kennedy Presidential Debate by Senator Bob Dole, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. Good Neighbor Daycreated by Presidential Proclamation by President Jimmy Carter on September 24, 1978 and later by Senate Resolution changed to September 26 on April 28, 2004.         
2. Mesothelioma Awareness Day—created by the Mesothelioma Awareness Foundation in 2004 to promote awareness of this deadly disease and to raise funds for its cure. If you see someone wearing a blue shirt it could mean that the Blues are not celebrating winning the 2020 elections but rather he or she is supporting the observance of this day.
3. 1944  Number One Song— the number one song in 1944 on this day on a run of 9 weeks in the position was “Swinging on a Star” by Bing Crosby with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra and the Williams Brothers Quartet. Here is a recording of the song:
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “portreeve” which means a mayor charged with keeping the peace in a port city or market borough in early England but if used to describe the accomplishments of Mayor Di Blasio or Eric Garcetti synonymous with failure.
5. He’s Back And So Is She--celebrating the birth on this day in 1956 of Linda Hamilton, best known for her role as Sarah Connor in the Terminator movies including the most recent Terminator the Dark State, produced by her ex-husband James Cameron.
 On this day in: 
     a. 1950 following MacArthur’s successful surprise landing at Inchon, Allied forces recaptured Seoul, South Korea.
     b. 1960 the first televised national presidential election debate was held between John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon was largely instrumental in Kennedy’s win over Nixon in November.
c. 1982 in a all good things must come to an end moment, Australia II won the America’s Cup, ending the New York Yacht Club’s 132 year domination of the race.
d. 1984 the United Kingdom and China agreed to a transfer of Hong Kong to China in 1997.
e. 2005 the PBS Kids Channel was shut down and replaced by a joint network with Comcast called Sprout.
Reflections on the power of TV over radio in the Nixon Kennedy First 1960 Presidential Debate: “"I was listening to it on the radio coming into Lincoln, Kansas, and I thought Nixon was doing a great job. "Then I saw the TV clips the next morning, and he ... didn't look well. Kennedy was young and articulate and ... wiped him out. I was listening to it on the radio coming into Lincoln, Kansas, and I thought Nixon was doing a great job.  Then I saw the TV clips the next morning, and he ... didn't look well. Kennedy was young and articulate and ... wiped him out." Former Senator Bob Dole the unsuccessful Republican candidate in 1996 against Bill Clinton.
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 26, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019 Ridley's Believe It Or Not International Ataxia Awareness Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For September 25, 2019 The transcripts which are summaries of the conversations with the President of the Ukraine have been released and as claimed by Trump show no pressure and no mention of withholding of military aid and have been released ahead of information which the White House is claiming will show a political bias of the whistleblower in favor of one of the Blue candidates for president (in the anti-Trump frenzy among the Blues it would not have mattered what Trump said to the Ukrainian President nor would it have deterred a rush to judgment misguided impeachment start and the end of this president and future presidents to converse with world leaders on issues confronting their countries to the detriment of this nation); mark this poet’s predictions—can’t impeach without crime; Blues will lose covered with slime; impeachment without reason or rhyme; should not have rushed to judgment this time;  Trump is scheduled to meet with the Ukrainian President at the UN today in a prescheduled meeting and will hold a press conference that will probably be inundated with questions on Ukraine and impeachment; the second parent in the college admissions schedule to be sentenced has received 4 months in exchange for the $250,000 he paid USC for an admission slot for his kid; although no polls have yet been taken of the American people on the issue of impeachment, as of this moment polls indicate only 37% of Americans favor it which spell total disaster for the Blues in 2020 which means the Blues have totally forgotten the lessons of the Clinton failed impeachment in 1998 to their detriment; technology has invaded prison security as a video shows a drone delivering a phone and drugs to an inmate in a prison yard in Ohio; polls now show the crowded Blue Presidential Primary race down to two candidates, Biden and Warren, with Sanders now a distant third and the rest probably hoping for a VP slot; Facebook is reportedly giving NYC a second chance at the apple it blew in conjunction with Amazon by considering to purchase a NYC landmark for its corporate expansion (wonder if AOC will oppose the move?); Maxine Waters who has 0 credibility when it comes to the Russian collusion delusion in a trying to remain relevant moment has declared that her committee will soon release damning evidence that will have bearing on the impeachment inquiry (believe that and you probably believe in the tooth fairy even though you are an adult); on the climate front, scientists are warning that due to melting a large portion of the Mont Blanc Glacier may collapse); while talk of impeachment is sucking up all the oxygen in the Swamp, the House is holding hearings on gun control and banning assault rifles which covers many if not most semi-automatics and if passed would turn some 150 million law abiding citizens into felons;; in Chicago through September 23, 2019, 2088 have been shot of whom 358 have died; and in Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s population, 251 have been murdered in Baltimore (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings in Blue run cities which have been more deadly and more numerous than random mass shootings?
 As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to Bing Crosby and the Ken Darby Singers,  the fact that you support porphyrous members of Congress, and a relevant quote on sacrifices of Market Garden, secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. International Ataxia Awareness Dayobserved since 2000 to promote awareness of this rare, degenerative neurological disease that affects an estimated 150,000 Americans and to promote research in trying to find a cure or improvement of treatment.         
2. Binge Day—celebrating fortunately not a day to go on binge drinking sprees but rather to watch days or weekends of old serials or themed movies or movies featuring a given actor or actress.
3. 1943 Number One Song— the number one song in 1943 on this day on a run of 7 weeks in the position was “Sunday, Monday or Always” by Bing Crosby and the Ken Darby Singers. Here is a recording of the song:
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “porphyrous” which means purple which is the color you get when you mix red and blue which in this highly divided country on red and blue aisles we definitely need more of to overcome our gridlock.
5. The Landlord Is A Vamp--celebrating the birth on this day in 1951 of Heater Lockyear TV star of “Dynasty” and “Melrose Place” where she played the conniving man-hungry character, Amanda Woodward; Heather seems to have fallen on hard times personally and substance wise.
 On this day in: 
     a. 1926 under the auspices of the League of Nations, the Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery was signed.
     b. 1944 one third of the British 1st Airborne that had not died or been captured managed to evacuate under cover of darkness over the Rhine from Osterbeek signaling the end of Operation of Market Garden, the failed Allied attempt to cross the Rhine and end the war.
c. 1963 Lord Denning released his report on the scandal involving 19 year old model and topless showgirl Christne Keeler with the British Secretary of War John Profumo who had resigned over the scandal which damaged the Conservative Party.
d. 1974 Doctor Frank Jobe successfully performed the first ulnar collateral ligament replacement surgery on Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tommy John who after a long period of recuperation went on to win 164 more games and be elected into Baseball’s Hall of Fame.
e. 2018 in his second trial after a mistrial, Bill Cosby was found guilty and sentenced on this day to 3 to 10 years for sexual misconduct and is serving his time in a state prison with his earliest release date being September 25, 2021.
Reflections on Operation Market Garden: ”If in the years to come, any man says to you, ‘I fought at Arnhem,’ take off your hat to him and buy him a drink for this is the stuff of which England’s greatness is made.” Alan Wood Daily Express September 24, 1944.
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.             
© September 25, 2019 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift