Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ridley's Believe It Or Not-This Day In History-January 28, 2014 Data Privacy Day

Ridley's Believe It Or Not--January 28, 2014:  Here are some unique and traditional holidays to observe today:
Data Privacy Day--observed to make consumers more aware of data privacy; but after the Target fiasco and the revelations about the NSA mining data perhaps should be renamed Data Loss of Privacy Day. At least the Europeans call a spade a spade and the holiday is known as Data Protection Day, reminding us of the need to protect data.

             2. National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week (1/27-2/2)--celebrated in Elko, Nevada; grab your hat and enjoy a unique American art form, e.g. a few more lines from my favorite poet whose works taught me how to read at an early age--Robert Service--The Quitter: "And self-dissolution is barred. In hunger and woe, oh, it's easy to blow. It's the hell-served-for-breakfast that's hard. "You're sick of the game!" Well, now, that's a shame. You're young and you're brave and you're bright. "You've had a raw deal!" I know -- but don't squeal." Worth reading as are most of his works.
             3. Thank a Plugin Developer Day--Don't blog on Wordpress without your plugins to make your life easier.
On this day in:
             a. 1934 the first ski tow was put into service in Vermont.
             b. 1958 to the future pain and suffering of countless parents responding a child's cries in their darkened bedroom without first putting on slippers, Lego patented the design of its Lego bricks still used today. 
             c. 1985 USA for Africa recorded the single We Are the World for Ethiopian famine relief--never have so many egos assembled on a stage for one song in such harmony and not killing or fighting with each other---the power of a good cause will trump even the best of egos all the time.
Be safe when you drive today, obeying the rules of the road--" Just as drivers who share the road must also share responsibility for safety, we all now share the same global network, and thus must regard computer security as a necessary social responsibility. To me, anyone unwilling to take simple security precautions is a major, active part of the problem. — Fred Langa, former editor of Byte Magazine and noted writer on computer data protection and privacy.

As we approach Super Bowl XLVIII which may be played in sub freezing temps with snow falling, it is not who wins or loses, but the quality not of the play but of the Super Bowl ads! Please enjoy the 140 character poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and join almost 140 growing followers and please follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs--click on links below. www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for an original poem to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and an original in poem honoring a 17 year young Progeria victim who died on the eve of becoming an honorary captain for the Patriots  (have tissues handy). Just posted for your enjoyment on www.alaskanpoetcommentary.blogspot.com poem on the growing Imperial Presidency; the promotion of Charlene Lamb, the woman in charge of no security at Benghazi; and the collusion between the EPA and environmental groups to kill KeystoneXL with the end of Canadian patience.
©January 28, 2014 Michael P. Ridley
www.facebook.com/Alaskanpoet  www.linkedin.com/in/octechlaw


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