Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Guzzardi Wants to Ban Public Investments in CompaniesI

The election may be over but political theater still is on center stage
From streets of major cities seething with paid anti Trump rage
To the universities and colleges whose students seem to be in shell shock
Needing coddling and counseling to dreaded Trump win anxiety block
To the latest wrinkle that shows the swamp is not confined to Washington, D.C.
In Illinois a Blue Guzzardi has introduced a bill to block pension fund investments in any company that agrees
To in the building of a wall on our border with Mexico services or materials renders
An idiotic idea that should be immediately marked return to sender
Illinois has far bigger fish to fry
With public pension unfunded liabilities going sky high
$130 billion and climbing with no end in sight
The public pension ship listing into insolvency becoming harder to upright
The stocks in the construction sector given Trump’s infrastructure plan are up like a rocket
Putting billions upon billions of dollars of gains and dividends into investors’ pockets
The state should be concentrating its attention on cutting pension costs and increasing investment returns
Not wasting its time with idiotic bills put forth by a legislator serving only his first term
Who seems to have forgotten that John Deere is headquartered in his state
With only a stint of academia, Huffington Post and tutoring after school, in the field of investments not even third rate
 © November 23, 2016, Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire

Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
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