Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 24, 2018 Ridley's Believe It Or Not National Just Do It Day

Ridley’s Believe It Or Not For January 24, 2018 Shutdown Schumer has fired another cannon shot across the bow of the recovering American ship of state by notifying the president that any funding for the wall is off the table which is a clear indication that the end to chain  and lottery migration to him is a non starter which means the next shutdown will be much longer starting on February 9; the California AG has announced that under California’s Sanctuary State Law he will prosecute any employer who notifies ICE of any employee’s immigration status and if that was bad enough the state will be issuing drivers’ licenses to illegals and at the same time registering them to vote (which means the idiocy of leftist Blues running the state into oblivion will continue for a long, long time as they feast on thousands and thousands of illegal Hispanic alien voters); in the very near future look for ICE raids not in the workplace but in the mayors’ and city councils’ office to arrest those in sanctuary  city government for harboring illegals in their cities (as a result mayors like Di Blasio are boycotting a Council of Mayors meeting with the administration to address the sanctuary city issue (news flash to the boycotters--if you are not at the table your views are not heard); not sure how those two infatuated with each other lovers Strzok and his mistress Page managed to their regular work while exchanging some 50,000 text messages but we now learn that the FBI, the superior law enforcement Americans used to trust has lost five months of text messages from December, 2016 to May, 2017  including conveniently for the Russian collusion delusion fanatics text messages between Strzok and Page (Lois Lerner déjà vu as the stench of political corruption at the FBI and DOJ cries out for Sessions to impanel a grand jury before any more evidence is lost); Governor Moonbeam’s favorite boondoggle the California Bullet Train is already billions over budget and hopelessly behind schedule (watch more and more high income earners tired of the anti-business climate and repressive taxation and spending on illegals leave this state); in Chicago through January 23, 2018 156 people have been shot of whom 26 have died.
        As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, a music link to Michael Jackson,  factoids of interest for this day in history, the fact you are as leif celebrating Just Do It Day, and a relevant quote by Lt. Jack Revelle on finding the H-Bombs released near Goldsboro, North Carolina from a crashing B-52,  secure in the knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You need only contact me for details.
1. Beer Can Appreciation Day—commemorating the introduction of the aluminum can as the container for beer in 1935 (slow day for holidays and observances).
2. National Just Do It Day—not sure where this day urging people to break the inertia of procrastination to perform tasks on their to do list but suspect it originated from Nike’s trademarked slogan “Just Do It” introduced in 1988 which was inspired by the last words of Gary Gilmore to the firing squad in Utah—“Let’s Do It.” As stated above slow day for holidays and observances.
3. 1980 Number One Song— the number one song in 1980 on a run of 4 weeks in that position was “Rock With You” by Michael Jackson. Here is a recording of the song:
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “lief” which means happily or gladly and which does not describe the mood of the Democrats following the Schumer Shutdown and the soaring Trump Agenda economy.
5. Heart of Gold Larger Than Hope--celebrating the birth on this day in 1941 of noted singer and song writer Neil Diamond who was the equivalent of the Hope Diamond with such songs as “Sweet Caroline” and my favorite “Heart of Gold” and who sadly has announced his retirement from touring on January 22, 2018 due to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease.
          On this day in:                                                               
a. 1848 James Marshall discovered gold at Sutter’s Mill near Sacramento, California.
b. 1916 SCOTUS to the disgust of taxpayers in the case of Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad ruled that the federal income tax was constitutional.
c. 1933 the 20th Amendment to the Constitution changing the inauguration of the President from March 4 to January 20 and the swearing in of members of Congress from March 3 to January 3 was ratified.
d. 1961 near Goldsboro, North Carolina a B-52 with two Mark 39 3-4 Megaton H-Bombs on board crashed after its assigned fuel air tanker noticed a fuel leak killing 3 of the 8 man crew; fortunately although the bombs started arming themselves neither exploded to the great relief of the residents of North Carolina.
e. 1972 Japanese Sgt. Shoishi Yokoi was discovered hiding in the jungles of Guam where he had been hiding since the end of World War II first with 2 other soldiers and then by himself for the last 7 years of his hiding.

Reflections  on how close we came to having the H-Bombs explode near Goldsboro:”Until my death I will never forget hearing my sergeant say, "Lieutenant, we found the arm/safe switch." And I said, "Great." He said, "Not great. It's on arm." Lt. Jack Revelle, leader of the team that found one of the H-Bombs. Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.

© January 24, 2018 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire           

Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare                  
The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

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